Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I know that as a mom, I am biased to think that my child is the cutest, smartest, sweetest....and so on. We all do it. I'm guessing it is just a natural part of being a parent. I do have to say that Harrison is known for saying some very clever and witty things. I really do not know where he gets some of his "material." I am convinced that my child is headed for a life in comedy. I am going to start to keep track of these hilarious "Harrison-isms" on my blog. I hope that everyone will enjoy them as much as I do and find the humor in his little quotes.

We were driving home a few weeks ago from his baseball game. It was very cold and Harrison was very exhausted. He was sitting in the backseat groaning a bit. I asked him if he was okay. Harrisons response was "Ugh, I feel like I'm in Rod Stewarts stomach."

Last year Harrison went to the zoo with 2 of my aunts, my grandma and his cousins. His cousin Abby gave him a penny to throw into the fountain so he could make a wish. As he tosses his penny into the water he says "I wish I had a penny."

Last weekend Harrison and I decided to walk to the park. It was a really nice day and finally warm. Harrison doesn't like the heat at all. He was complaining about being hot and said "I'm sweating like a cigarette in a church."

Harrison thinks that wrestlers are pretty cool. I'm fairly certain that he has never really seen wrestling but nonetheless he thinks it is awesome....probably because shirts don't have to be worn in wrestling. Harrison walks out of his room without a shirt and only wearing his jeans. He flexes and tells me he is a wrestler. I say cool and ask what his wrestler name is. He replies "Tom Selleck."

I will keep these "Harrison-isms" coming. I know that there will be plenty more.